Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Household Tips

One of the many things my parents got me for Christmas was a book; Vinegar: 101 Practical Household Uses. I read The Help and relayed to my mom the many uses of Crisco. I guess she remembered that and although it's not about Crisco I guess it's close enough. I thought I'd share what I learn as I read it. So far I'm pleasantly surprised at it's many uses!

  •  You can periodically clean out soap scum and disinfect your washing machine by adding 2 cups of white distilled vinegar and running it through a full cycle (no clothes or detergent).
  •  To brighten colors add 1/2 pint white distilled vinegar to your wash cycle (This will also reduce lint & static cling).
  •  If your worried about color running on a new garment (like those dark dark blue jeans); soak them for 10-15 min in a few cups of vinegar before washing.
  •  Preserve the color of your swimwear. Add a little vinegar to some water and soak your new swimsuite in it. It's suppose to make the color last longer, even if you swim a lot in pools with lots of chlorine.
Ok, so the only one I've tried so far is cleaning the washing machine and I can't tell you if it worked because how do you tell if you have soap scum in the first place? Where do you look to see a before and after? As for smell, all I can say is that my first load after "cleaning" the machine did not smell like vinegar. Anway, I'll be sure and share my experiences and post more tips as there are many many more!

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